The Hunter Science Festival held at Newcastle Museum as part of National Science Week was…

HISH repesented at NSW Parliament enquiry into post-mining land use
In August we appeared before NSW Parliament enquiry into post-mining land use. Very interesting.
HISH presented evidence to the NSW Government inquiry into the re-use of mining lands at their hearings held here in the Hunter. Based on our submission, our evidence focussed on:
- Landform design through Progressive Geomorphic Rehabilitation to provide a stable and permanent landform suitable for post-mining land use
- The use of Landform Evolution Models on landform models new mines, mine extensions and existing mines to identify potential future failures in landform design. Landform Evolution Models simulate erosion across a landscape over time and can incorporating potential future changes in rainfall events such as brought about by climate change.
- Potential amendments to government regulations and new processes for modifying the final post-mining landform to enable the retention of ‘Fit for purpose’ Built Infrastructure such as High voltage electricity lines, access roads, rail loops, and water and built infrastructure for new, novel uses for mined lands.
Such novel uses may include:
- New industry such as pumped hydro, intensive agriculture, bioenergy precinct, chicken processing plants.
- Biodiversity / climate corridors
- Changed land use (farming)
You can access the HISH detailed submission and a transcript of the inquiry (we start on p51) here…